Visible Body Suite

Anatomy made fun!

All the tools you need to pass your A&P course with flying colors for just $34.99/year

Use code "STUDY23" at checkout to get 20% off your first year of VB Suite!

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Easy to use on your phone or laptop

Access content on the web from your browser on any computer.

Learn anatomy on the go by downloading the mobile app to your phone or tablet.

Save and share content across devices. Check out the complete guide to sharing custom content.

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Visualize and learn human anatomy with an interactive library of 3D models and lessons

Visually stunning learning

  • Full male and female dissectible gross anatomy 3D models
  • 100+ easy-to-understand lessons
  • Microanatomy models of key organs and tissues
  • Diagnostic images and cross-sections
  • 3D moving models of muscle actions, as well as models of muscle attachments, innervation, and blood supply
  • Introductory biology content, including DNA, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration

Quiz yourself in anatomy

  • Check your knowledge and get instant feedback to help you improve!
  • Dissection quizzes help you identify important structures using dissectable 3D models
  • Multiple choice quizzes help you review key concepts and apply your knowledge

3D human body study tools

Study better with flashcards

Access hundreds of visual and interactive flashcard decks that cover key course topics, or use 3D views to create and share your own cards and decks.

Download premade decks

Visualize anatomy in 3D

Our interactive 3D presentations walk you through the important structures of each body system. Create and share your own Tours to make a study guide for your next test or quiz.

Download premade tours