Visible Body Courseware

How to Purchase


Visible Body Courseware

How to Purchase

Welcome! If your instructor has told you to purchase Visible Body and you’re going to be using Visible Body to complete assignments in a course, then you’ll need to sign up for Visible Body Courseware.

Please note: the Visible Body Suite product we sell on our website is for reference only, and you will NOT be able to use it to join a course and complete assignments.

How to create a Visible Body Courseware account, join your course, and get started:

You’ll need one of these two things from your instructor:

  • A course invite link
  • Instructions for how to join your course through your institution’s LMS

Once you know how to join your course, follow these steps to create your Visible Body Courseware account and purchase access.

Did you purchase an activation code from your bookstore, or did your instructor or school provide you with one? Follow these steps to create and activate your Visible Body Courseware account.

Troubleshooting and FAQ